DirecttorSomethingtimes you find tools which are very useful and easy. This is one of them: direc.tor. I am using tagging in very much and with this browsing tool it is easy to navigate. It is delivering a high-performance AJAX web service broker.

" direc.tor is a prototype for an alternative web-based rich UI for It leverages the XML and XSL services of modern browsers to deliver a responsive interface for managing user accounts with a large number of records.

The main features are:

* In-browser handling of bookmarks (tested up to 12,000 records)

* Find-as-you-type searching of all your bookmarks, with basic search operators

* Sort by description, tags, or timestamp

* Ad-hoc tag browser"

Just a bookmark which changes your screen into a browser version. But think of the concept behind it. Very powerfull. Here is a picture of it.


hat tip Loosewire!

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