Elliot Masie heeft een conferentie e-Learning Asia georganiseerd in Hongkong. Het is altijd goed te lezen wat zijn voornaamste conclusies cq gedachtes zijn naar aanleiding van dit gebeuren.
“1. Learning Perspectives from Asia – Report from Hong Kong
1. Learning Perspectives from Asia: I have been an aggressive learner for
the past week, as we hosted e-Learning Asia here in Hong Kong. Delegates
from countries throughout the region shared their perspectives on the
world of Learning and how it is unique in each of their countries. Here
are some of my notes from these conversations:
* Many Asian countries have skipped the first phase of e-Learning. They
didn’t have the model of porting CBT (Computer Based Training) to the web.
Instead, they started using e-Learning more recently, avoiding a number
of growing pains. For example, we see fewer organizations in the midst of
LMS remorse and more sophisticated use of “Google” like search modes
rather than long portal lists on learning offering pages.
* One challenge in the Asia is learner’s expectation of needing to
memorize all content. There is a tendency for some learners to
“over-study” the content. Much conversation about our recent suggestion
to label content as “Memorize, Familiarize or Reference Based”. Some
companies have had to be explicit with learners about lowering their
intensity of studying with e-Learning.
* The multi-language issue was a strong one for many of our group.
Between dialects and regional language differences, there was a strong
need to develop a Multi-Language Rapid Learning Design model. They were
also looking for authoring tools that supported easy translation “layers”.
* Audio’s role in learning was another hot topic. Stronger sense of
wanting audio as a highly available resource rather than video.
* New Asian metaphors of on-line learning was an intriguing topic. Rather
than “virtualizing” the classroom, what are other models? The e-Mentor,
the online-Coach, the longer term e-Apprentice/Master model?
* The high level of acceptance of digital devices, from MP3 to Mobile
Phones, is clearly higher in Asia than in North America and Europe. What
are the implications of this for Learning delivery?
* Social interaction patterns amongst learners and teachers/students are
different throughout Asia. Integrating this reality into Learning models
is resulting in changing assumptions about asynchronous and synchronous
* Scalability.. Scalability.. Scalability! How do we scale Learning
programs in China to reach millions? How do we scale across multiple
* Low-Cost Economy and High Quality Learning! What are ways to create
learning content and systems that “work” in low-cost economies and still
have a high quality experience for learners?
* Blending in New Ways. We heard about intriguing new approaches to
blending content approaches.
* Asia Learning Marketplace: The conference discussed the growth of both
LMS systems being developed in Asia as well as content development in this
region. Watch for the export of systems and content on a Global basis.”
(bron: Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – March 20, 2005. #309)
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