Ok. Robert Scoble and Willem Mastenbroek asked for it. Now it is live: Hans on Experience on PDA or better Hans on PDA. With some help of Maarten Schenk of TypePad, who tipped me on PDA for MT of scriptygoddes I did some copying, pasting and tweaking.
“The purpose is to allow mobile web devices such as PDAs (PalmPilot, PocketPC,Visor) and cell phones to view your Blog without having to download all of the images, blogrolls, and link lists that may be on your front page. It also enables programs such as “AvantGo,” “Plucker” and “Mazingo” to download small versions of your page for offline viewing.”
You can find the link on the top of the column on the left, because this loads first. Willem, Robert, Fred is this fine for you? Those who have a pda or other mobile device please give it a try and let me know.
Technorati tags: pda, smart phones
Not working properly on my PDA (HP iPaq 4115 PocketPC 2003).
1) PDA is recognized
2) Page is served (almost!)
3) At the end an IE explorer error popup with “The page you are looking for cannot be found.”
By the way: The header graphic (LARGE!) followed by the left column is shown first. The postings underneath.
Start with a textual header followed by the central part (with posts) would be much better.
The solution I made a post about yesterday gives better results (no error popup). [http://www.fredscapes.nl/2006/01/16.html#a654%5D
Hi Fred, thanks for testing. Did you use this url: http://www.hansonexperience.com/my_weblog/hansonpda.html
because on that page there is no column…..
Oops! I missed that 🙁
It looks OK now.
Hans on Experience on PDA
Hans released a nice PDA version, which works fine on my Qtek 9100. It’s close to the skin it setup up for my TWikis’ intranet sites.
Hans on Experience on PDA
Hans released a nice PDA version, which works fine on my Qtek 9100. It’s close to the skin I setup up for my TWikis’ intranet sites.