LastfmhomeLast.FM is een gepersonaliseerd internet radiostation. Ze connecten mensen via muziek playlists. Door je eigen playlist te maken kom je in contact met mensen die dezelfde smaak hebben. Ze zeggen dat de nieuwe music life-style niet het filesharing is maar profile-surfing. Ze leggen uit wat het is.. Ik kwam ze tegen in TrendCentral, de nieuwsbrief van Youth Intelligence . Daarin staat het volgende te lezen:
For those of you whose favorite section to fill in on personal or networking websites is “Favorite Music”, may be your new favorite website. The online music station enables users to compose a personal profile of their music tastes. With an Audioscrobbler Plugin, users can submit tracks to their profiles, as well as add tracks they listened to on The site then compares your profile with others and matches you with “Neighbours” from which you can gather recommendations for other music you may like. And if you’re more into Devendra Banhart than The Game, fear not: users can skip and ban tracks and artists from their profiles.
Op de site van Last.FM is het volgende te lezen: is a personalised online radio station that plays the right music to the right people. Songs spread from listener to listener.
You get your own online radio station that you can fill up with the music you like. This information is used to find users who are similar to you. With this information can play you new artists and songs you might like.

bron: Youth intelligence en Last.FM