Naar aanleiding van mijn posting over de Cluetrain Manifesto gaat Frank-ly zijn scriptie over scenemarketing on-line zetten. Jawel! Dat is nog eens open source gedacht. Alhoewel het manifest al weer van 4 jaar terug is, merk ik dat de inhoud meer en meer tot de verbeelding spreekt; nee liever, werkelijk is.
Marco van Marktingfacts schreef al eens een posting over dit fenomeen. Daar wees hij ook op het vervolg op de schok die the Cluetrain te weeg bracht, nl. the Social Customer Manifesto.
I want to have a say.
I don’t want to do business with idiots.
I want to know when something is wrong, and what you’re going to do to fix it.
I want to help shape things that I’ll find useful.
I want to connect with others who are working on similar problems.
I don’t want to be called by another salesperson. Ever. (Unless they have something useful. Then I want it yesterday.)
I want to buy things on my schedule, not yours. I don’t care if it’s the end of your quarter.
I want to know your selling process.
I want to tell you when you’re screwing up. Conversely, I’m happy to tell you the things that you are doing well. I may even tell you what your competitors are doing.
I want to do business with companies that act in a transparent and ethical manner.
I want to know what’s next. We’re in partnership…where should we go?
Very intreging 🙂
ps. the book is online at
@Dennis: zie