I found this great video of Hans Rosling talking at TEDTalks about globalisation on Loic Le Meur’s blog:
“Hans Rosling pushes us to think as world citizens who should be happy about the fact that so many countries and world citizens get a descent level of living even though it means often some job losses in our “rich” countries.”
And I agree. A MUST SEE! A great video with fabulous animations with data. Wew!
Technorati tags: globalisation
Phew: Alex Steffen, author of Worldchanging op Le Web3
Alex Steffen van Worldchanging.com: wie is hij en wat doet ie?Tjee, na Hans Rosling (bekijk de prachtige video) heeft de organisatie van Le Web 3 ook Alex Steffen vast weten te leggen. Hij is schrijver van het boek Worldchanging: A Users Guide fo…