I came across a presentation of Forrester Research: ‘The Emerging Worker And Implications For Training’ and found some interesting reflections about a new group: the Millenials.
What are the charasteristics of these Millenials?
- They were born between 1980 and 2000
- Technology is pervasive in their lives
- Using multiple communication devices is essential
- Technology use replaces the workaholic style
- They are creative, independent, and like innovation
Materialism, having fun, and making a good salary are important - They expect a positive work environment
Read below more about this group and download the MindMap.
These youngsters say:
- "Technology has made my life easier"
- "I am constantly looking for new ways to entertain myself."
- "I publish or maintain a Weblog once a week or more"
What does that mean?
- Young people are comfortable with technology
- Training on the tools is less important
- Young people are more willing to use new tools
- Young people are looking for entertainment
- They handle (and expect) multiple tasks
- They expect graphical, highly intuitive user interfaces
The linear approach to training conflicts with Millennials’ learning styles:
- Provide a multitasker’s online environment
- Give them access to each other
- Let them teach veterans about the possibilities
- Deliver pull-based training integrated with tasks
The Recommendations:
- Integrate technology into as many learning experiences as possible
- Deliver work experiences that involve collaboration
- Provide opportunities to “mess around” with new technologies
- Introduce new technologies quickly but be aware of the human element
- Arrange the working environment to foster idea sharing
I have added the Millenials in a MindMap so you can compare them with older generations: Mindmap Millenials: contrast of generations (pdf)
De Stem van generatie Obama: de Millenials in VPRO Tegenlicht
Gisteren was er een prachtige documentaire op TV bij VPRO Tegenlicht over de Obama generatie. Nou vind ik het in hokjes stoppen van bepaalde groepen niet echt mijn ding, maar de informatie en het beeld dat in deze uitzending naar voren komt is prachtig…